Anna Aabø

Anna Aabø holds a Cand. Real. degree in applied mathematics from the University of Bergen, Norway.
She worked with Statoil as a reservoir engineer for three years. Then, she joined the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) where she worked for 7 years as a reservoir engineer/special advisor. During this period she was project manager for field evaluation, including geoscience, reservoir engineering, schemes for enhanced recovery, production, engineering, safety technology as well as economic, legal and institutional issues.
In 1990, she started to work for Smedvig Technologies, where her work included interdisciplinary reservoir engineering projects, dynamic modelling of stochastic geo-models and development of PRIS, the Petroleum Resource Inventory System, marketing and software sales, business development and network establishment in a joint venture in Russia.
She was also project manager for several reservoir engineering studies of major Norwegian Fields, including a major integrated project on history matching.
From 1996, she was Vice President of ONICS, a Russian company owned by Smedvig Technologies and private Russian owners.
Ms Aabø was also involved as petroleum engineer in a resource assessment project in Angola and has lectured for courses on resources assessment in Vietnam.
She was involved in software development for 6 years at Roxar (former Smedvig Technology), where she held various technical management positions.
Ms Aabø left Roxar as General Product Manager when she joined Rogaland Research (later named IRIS – International Research Institute of Stavanger) as Senior Vice President in 2003. IRIS is an internationally recognised institute focusing on petroleum, the marine environment and social science.